Add source: cydia.xsellize.com / Springtomize 2 - iOS 5 & 6 , xSellize 1.4.3-1. Many options for LS and SB screen. surprised To help you with the English language, this article helps you understand what you need to customize the structure for the screen. Do not install Springtomize Vietnamese goods as it would affect the other files of the system. Springtomize many applications including AIO (All In One) before installing Springtomize thus removing the tweak should have included similar and have the same effect self in the form of: Animation, Dock, LockScreen, Icons, Folders, App Switcher, Time Machine, Status Bar, Pages, Theming, Notification Center, More With so many features in one app to install for Springtomize quite complex. Can not you install the required function is not necessary. Following my turn partial guide: © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © ©SPRINGTOMIZE customized help: Image made on FW 6.1.2 JBU iPhone5. Cydia 1.1.8. other similar iPhone and iPad. Settings> Springtomize> Settings> Enabled : ON , ON Springtomize to take effect. catalog Springtomize applications including:
Animations : Two custom variables following the motion of the system seems to "languid" but look quite eye-catching. Time to slowly drag the slider birth.
- Custom Duration: ON (depending on timing for animation.)
- Slow Motion Mode: ON (slow motion.)
- Old Tv Animation: ON (turn off the TV screen style life ball old lamp.)
- Play Sound: OFF (because the sound comes through E!.)
- Color: Transparent (off screen when opened will see shrinking.
- Screenshot Flash (changes color when capturing screenshot)> Use Custom Color: ON color you like or Random selection (instead of random colors), here choose Brown (Brown):
Capabilities : ON , turn on utilities.
- Turn ON all categories to Springtomize effect:
Dock (the bar under the customize screen.)
- Hide Dock: OFF (hide the Dock.)
- Hide Labels: OFF (anonymous Dock icons.)
- Hide Reflection: OFF (hide reflection of Dock icons).
- Hide Shadow: ON (hidden ball Dock icons should support battery power ON.)
- Use Custom Number: ON (add icons to the Dock.)
- Icons in Dock: Five (5 icons to the Dock).
- CoverFlow Effect> Enable: ON (shaped icons to the Dock). There are three styles for Dock icon:
√ Corvex:
Choose Corvex, following custom sliders will have on the results, click Apply to preview:
√ Corvex (Outside):
Choose Corvex (Outside), the following custom sliders will have on the results, click Apply to view:
√ concave:
Choose concave, custom sliders like this will have on the results, click Apply to preview:
Lockscreen : lock screen.
- Notification Center: ON , Notification Center outside the LockScreen.
- Display Seconds: ON , is more than LockScreen clock seconds.
- Display Camera Button: OFF (LS Hidden Camera.)
- Hide Top Bar: OFF (hide date / time as LockScreen Clock Hide.)
- Disable Artwork: OFF (lock out LockScreen animation.)
- Dimming Delay: ON (the time opening for 20 Seconds LS as LockScreen), to increase the time slider to open LockScreen: slide 30 seconds here:
- Hide Knob: OFF (Slide to Unlock hidden buttons.)
- Custom Label: ON , replace the Slide to Unlock: typing want to replace the Slide to Unlock:
Icons: icons in Springboard.
- Hide Labels: OFF (name hidden icons.)
- Moving Lock: OFF (scroll key icons.)
- Disable jittering: OFF (vibration lock icons.)
- Disable Uninstalling: OFF (anti delete icons .)
- Disable Dimming: OFF (anti-blur icons.)
- Use Custom Number> Icons Per Line: Five (5 icons, icons such as Iconoclasm up column.)
- Additional Row: ON (more of icons), iPhone 4 rows often to 5, iPhone5 into 6 rows:
As illustrated in Figure 5 iPhone5 icons into 6 rows, so every name under the icons look slightly icons. There are small icons can adjust to 90% or 95% for balance:
- Resize Desktop Icons ON - Resize Dock icons: ON - Resixe Switcher Icons: ON (shrink the icons).
- Row Spacing: OFF (row spacing icons), only ON when using 2, 3 row icons for balance.
- Hide Icons: Icons Forums: Hide Newsstand: ON - Hide Springtomize: ON if not used icons.
- Enable: ON - Choose Icons> Hide icons to add other signs such as Activator, Barrel, Cydia, SBSettings, Winterboard etc. .. to others from naughty!
- When you need to find it on the open Springtomize> Icon> Hide Icons: Icons Choose uncheck the app name was highlighted. Or the Spotlight: Search> type the name of the app ...
- Disable All Badges: OFF (remove the update on the icons). Should be OFF to avoid losing the messages and missed calls.
: - 2 Tap Clear Badge: ON , type 2 times to delete the update icon.
- Choose Icons: You can select: AppStore, Cydia, Facebook, Twitter etc. .. Folder : Hide the icons into one folder. - Folders Closebox: ON , add close button instead of pressing Home Folders. - Hide Preview: OFF , hidden preview Folder. - Disable Animation: OFF , anti Pictures in Folders. - Hide Background: ON , Hide Folder background, support battery power. - Hide Labels: OFF , Hidden Folders name. - Disable Badges: OFF, hidden in the update folder. - Auto Close: ON , Auto Folder icon after selecting. - Create in Dock: ON , create folders in the Dock. - Use Custom Number> Icons per Line: Five , add 5 icons in Folders.
App Switcher (Apps underground):
- Landscape Switcher: ON , apps allow underground horizontal bar.
- Start Editing: OFF , is available marks [ x ] when the AppSwitcher.
- Disable Paging: OFF , Paging mark.
- Start with iPod : OFF , when the vocal Music on AppSwitch.
- Disable Badges: OFF , check the number of AppSwitcher update.
- Brightness Slider: ON , add the Brightness bar AppSwitcher.
- Icons in Switcher: Five, add 5 icons for AppSwitcher.
- Inactive Apps Handling> Hide from Switcher, hide apps not running underground.
Time Machine (Backup and Restore for Springtomize selected state).
should select all the customizations and click Save / Restore to Restore FW after you finish Backup and Restore settings from Springtomize will restore the previously selected custom:
Status Bar : Use Custom Carrier (instead of the network name), Use Custom Time (clock rename), Hide Status Bar Items (anonymous entries on the status bar).
Pages : Page springboard.
- Hide Dots: OFF button hidden page.
- Remove Page Limits: ON , off page limit.
- Disable Spotlight: OFF off Spotlight page). Not because of the need to find the name ON app.
- Disable Paging: OFF switch off the page.
Theming : change theme.
- Custom Dock: ON , replace the Dock theme (if installed.)
- Custom Battery: ON , replace the Battery theme (if installed.)
- Custom Font: ON , change font icons:
-? Custom Size: OFF (change the font size.)
- Custom Color: ON (change font color icons.)
- Custom Opacity: ON (over icons).
- Image Effect: OFF (switch icon and wallpaper color gamut.)
- LockScreen Clock Color: ON , discolored date / time. Choose Color: Random (instead of random colors).
Notification Center : Custom Background: ON : Transparent, choose the background for NC, Custom Lines (choose the words for the NC.
More : to see and check the status settings for the machine installed.
finally hit the back button Springtomize> Reload> Respring to complete the installation.
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