Why you should know about HeartBleed Bug ?

Thursday 17 April 20140 Comment

From last few days, public opinion was stirred story revolves around which is the largest is the Heart Bleed Bug. You might not understand how Heartbleed works, and what exactly it is ? So, in this article I will explain what HeartBleed bug and why you should know about it.

HeartBleed bug is discovered by a Finnish security firm called Codenomicon.The Heartbleed bug is a newly discovered vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library, that may have left the encryption keys.

This library is used to encrypt web communication and used by many companies like Google, Yahoo, and Facebook.Using this vulnerability, attackers can steal your private information protected by the SSL/TLS encryption.

Heartbleed enables hackers to see this heartbeat and then use it to steal sensitive information. Those websites that uses the vulnerable version of openSSL are open.The most widely used openSSL versions are, openSSL 1.0.1 and 1.0.1f.

Here are some few steps :

  • As of now, first of all change your credit card passwords and social networking sites passwords.
  • Contact your hosting provider and if your server is affected then upgrade the software to fix this bug.
  • Get New SSL/TLS Certificate :- Contact your SSL/TLS certificate provider and re-issue the certificate.
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